Originally Posted by inspiringdesigns
thayou kioa69 and the oach yeasterday. I have 2 probems. i dont know if this was talked about before cause i just switched over to this rom.
1. my keyboard function key doesnt work and i cant use any of the functions.
2. i am having a problem with the +1 infront of my call and i cant find the setting to fix it.
PLease help.
Think #1 was answered with provisioning and keyboard fix cab.
For #2, you can check in phone > options > CDMA services > Automatic Prepend and make sure it's not enabled.
Originally Posted by BfA
Does anyone know how to get the phone to stop vibrating when actioning ie when it starts making a call? It doesn't do it anymore when typing say in Opera but I want it to not vibrate for any action.
Also, someone said the FAQ at the start said how to change users from being listed as Last, First to First Last in the address book but I can't see it. Can anyone let me know how to change it?
Look for contact changer in paperclip in this thread.
Originally Posted by Achristocat
Hey there all...
So if I wanted to remove Arkswitch and City ID from the ROM, does anyone know which files (all of them..I found the main ones, but want to be thorough...) to remove so I don't have issues? OR...wher I could go to find out?
I keep getting bugged by City ID and don't need it, and I ALWAYS dsiable Arkswitch...
Thanks in advance...
Don't think City ID comes activated on new ROM's ?, but if you want to take it out... use htcRIE and it will list by name, and take out what you want, then save before you flash ROM. (use for Arkswitch and whatever else you want to take out also)
edit: if you have already flashed and want to disable Arkswitch, just remove the Arkswitch.lnk from Windows\StartUp