Originally Posted by fishpony
Finally found ONE evo in town at a radio shack, thinking about going to pick it up over lunch and activating it tomorrow. HMMMMMM decision decisions...
My local Radio Shack is also holding an Evo for me. However I'm skeptical about whether they will be able to successfully transition me from SERO, to SERO Premium, tomorrow. They seemed pretty clueless, and Sprint seems to be disallowing that sort of thing.
Are you saying that I can or should purchase the phone at Rat Shack, and then activate it... somewhere else? (Either by calling Sprint, or by taking the new phone to the Sprint store?)
I assume this means that I will have to pay full-price for the phone. That's okay, since the subsidy is minimal on a 12-month plan. I will, however, still want to do the mail-in rebate. Will that still be an option in the above scenario?