Originally Posted by corey1138
can you guys refresh my memory on the caller ID fix thing. You need to use the dialer fix if you are using a non Huashan dialer 5.* right? Would you need a different fix to use the Huashan dialer 5.* on 21680?
You can also use amarullz's tweak and use any non-htc phone canvas.
I also wrote a mortscript working so the proximity sensor works without an htc phonecanvas (requires mortscript, obviously
). Just save it to a .txt file and rename to a .mscr file. Then put the .mscr in \windows\startup.
If (RegValueExists("HKLM", "System\State\Phone", "Active Call Count") = FALSE)
RegWriteDWord("HKLM", "System\State\Phone", "PSensorStatus", 0)
ElseIf (RegValueExists("HKLM", "System\State\Phone", "Active Call Count") = TRUE)
RegWriteDWord("HKLM", "System\State\Phone", "PSensorStatus", 1)
What I do is cook in the Sprint default HTC PhoneCanvas, so that I can use ## codes if I ever desire. I then cab install Iconsoft PhonEx, which has an option to disable the WM Phone Canvas (it disables the HTC dialer and saves some memory). Doing this I do not need to worry about taking modules/files from different WM branches and mixing them together (just seems like a good way to get things messed up to me).