Originally Posted by KIOWA69
I'm on the fence about the new CHT, seems like it's got potential, but way to many options that i don't know how to mess with lol, i miss the old slide to unlock and i miss having text under my quicklinks, i also miss being able to swipe upwards and having the extra quicklinks, that stuff might be there but i haven't figured it all out yet. it does seem to scroll smoothly with a pagepool of 18, no quickmenu and just my regular cabs installed, i will definitely have to play with it more to get used to it and get the hang of everything like i had before.
Originally Posted by japper88
I felt the same way earlier today. But after I got off work and had some time to really place around with it, you know what? I really really like it. I love how if you use free link you can have text or no text and you can shrink them or make them bigger and place them anywhere you want. The fact that there are so many possibilities are daunting at first, but just figure out what you need access to the most and eliminate everything else. I read that CHT 2.0 also has a RSS feed widget, I hope that gets cooked into the next rom release.
All of that stuff is still there guys. Just because NRG configured it a certain way via registry edits, doesn't mean it has to stay that way (ie text for quicklinks). Also, if you want the RSSHub add-on, just install it. You should read
CHT 2.0 Beta thread and install
CHTEditor 2.0 to get things how you like (or you can change the registry manually, but the editor is simpler).