Originally Posted by info[]box1
Wirelessly posted (Opera/9.7 (WindowsMobile; PPC; Opera Mobi/35267; U; en; Presto/2.1.1))
thx for the info guys..!!
i will try that cab with the evo batts..
You need to be over 2000 rep, done.... lots of great posts here... not many thanks buttons hit, so I'm heading back & hitting posts till out.. *edit* out till tomorrow
Originally Posted by DaveTN
For "Tweaks", Im using Maxx's Maxx Battery Cab.
The battery's that I'm using are 1800 mAh that I got as a set off Amazon. Same exact size as the stock battery but 500mAh larger in capacity. David
"NEW" :>))
NEW_Maxx134_Complete_BatterySaving_RegEdits_NoSD_c hange2.cab
That's what I use also... And the XDA one post the other day (will find & edit)
*edit* cutecool beat me to it :>)) WMLonglife link below. For advanced users. Also, wouldn't use it if you tether or don't like vibration! :>O IMHO it needs a ON/OFF switch
OK found OP (orig. post) it was cutecool as well:
Originally Posted by mwalt2
nueBattery2 is just a hacked stock battery driver that allows for 1% increments, an AC-type charge from a USB port (800-1000 mA), and the ability to turn off flight-mode on low battery. Why do you think it gives better battery results? It was not designed for anything other then the 3 things listed previously according to no2chem's site.
thanks & thank'd for your non-bandwagon straight up observations & info