Originally Posted by chronster
Thanks for the reply. If I move the bing apk files will this enable access to google search within touchwiz, or simply eliminate bing?
I'm not 100% sure since I don't actually have the device..you'll have to double check with someone who does..It may take a bit since the device just came out recently.
As far as airwave and all that, I'm broke man. I'm 26 buying a house lol. I decided a while ago I wouldn't have TV, and internet would be my hacked tethering, but since Sprint has no service there, I had to root this galaxy s and use a third party wifi app. Even then it may not be enough since my work laptop won't allow computer-to-computer connections (domain policy or something.)
You can use the new phone as a TV
, I suggest getting Rockplayer and mVideoPlayer for playing back movies.
But you can get sprint to give you airwave for free if you talk to retentions. And after they give you airwave for free..Just tell them that you are moving and that the house has no signal and you'll have to move to verizon.
if they dont give you the new one, exchange it for a new one with Access Point and VOIP capabilities: