Originally Posted by gcianc
congrats on your switch but your info is totally misleading. You'll find that Verizon stores will simply expedite ship a direct replacement "imagio" no matter how much you complain, beg and/or threaten. Exceptions are rare. An uncommon but more likely swap is they'll let you buy a new phone on at "1-year price" without extending your contract.
The imagio price is not $50... more misleading info. it's Full Retail Price is $579.99 and has never been lower. Verizon also loses more $ swapping phones/brands mid-contract as HTC is picking up the brunt of the cost of these Imagio defects (they all have a 1 year warranty remember, all Verizon is doing is expediting the replacement).
Well, you're wrong. Plain and simple. This isn't the first time they've done this for me and it won't be the last. I had problems with an ich760 - they replaced it twice, then they swapped that for a palm treo (new) and after 3 of those for a WM Treo (also new). All on the same nickel. Maybe you're just asking the wrong person.
After 5 broken Storms and enotgh complaining they gave me a NEW Imagio.
I know that because the first time I called on this third Imagio broken button issue, I got exactly what you said. So I called back and asked for a manager and the issue was resolved no problem. When I told them I know they had an equal alternate swap-out option, they aggreed.