Originally Posted by Formula84
Anyone know what I could look for that would cause my rom to act this way: I Flash gets to the RunCC and sits there continuously moving... So i disabled RunCC all together...Then I get to see the start bar at the bottom but a Orange Windows Pic from First boot get static and cursor does not move. At this point if I go to the top bar a touch the area of the taskbar the rom becomes responsive and everything works, reboot and all is perfect with the rom. Its really weird.
I am using the new OSBuilder release and dumped the Stock USC rom as I have done rprior and built with PRB kitchens (RZ and OSKitchen). I am sure my package ordering is correct and building ok, and strangest thing is that after it becomes responsive it runs great even after reboots.
I had the same problem when using runcc/OEMDrivers from another ROM (think it was the same ROM you used). I moved back to the Sprint 2.04 ROM, and haven't had the problem. I never did figure out how I got a progress bar that looks like runcc when I left runcc out of the ROM.