Hi Guys and Gals,
DaveTN here and I'm starting an NRG ROM SPECIFIC thread about overclocking with NRG ROM.
My reason for doing so is to keep the NRG thread on topic and relavent to the current ROMS and to not confuse the issues and discussions.
I realize that there are lots of other overclocking discussions and respect those for what they offer. My goal with this is to keep the NRG discussions regarding overclocking in one, easy to discuss place.
That said,
I'm currently running NRG ROM 8/13 23xxx CHT at 710 mHz and have not had any freezups or SOD's. Battery life has been exceptional for me.
Here are the two most frequently visited for me at least) overclocking pages on PPCGeeks that I use:
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OK, so you want to overclock your phone TouchPro 2 while running NRG ROM; Lets get started.
First, understand that it is possible to damage your phone and I am not responsible if YOU decide to overclock and damage your phone. Second, this thread is to keep the NRG ROM thread from going off topic with overclocking info. Many of us have found the latest NRG ROM to be quite stable when the TP2 is overclocked and like to talk about it. So, hopefully, this will be THE place to talk.
Most of what I needed to get started besides the most current ROM is found in this thread: http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showpost.php?p=1902256
There is also more general discussion Here: http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showthread.php?t=129661
and Here: http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showthread.php?t=117052
By participating in this discussion, you understand that overclocking is cutting edge and the possibility of damaging your phone.
Here's what I've done so far:
I'm running NRG ROM Aug 13 23129 currently overclocked at a conservative 710 MHz As I feel comfortable and as the process continues to evolve, I will gradually step that speed up.
At this point, I have a nice balance of speed, stability, and battery life.
To get started, I followed the instructions posted by nayr1482 in the first link above. He has provided a good step by step and has links to the necessary cabs to get you going.
The process is pretty easy to follow and the mortscript walks you through choosing each setting. Nayr has done a great job of outlining the whole process so give him a big thanks for getting you going.
Also, Thanks to NRG for providing a very stable ROM and to my friends in the NRG ROM discussion (you know who you are
) who pushed - well encouraged - me to do this.