Originally Posted by lovingHDTV
Just today I started having issues with the Aug13 DinkGlass build. It appears that the hope screen is hanging up on me. When I hit the power button to wake the phone up, I notice that the clock does not update. At this point nothing on the screen works. If I hit the windows key (hard key next to phone on) I go to the start menu like normal. From here I can traverse through the menus and do things, but I can never get back to the home screen.
A reset will get me back running, but it starts all over again when the phone goes to sleep. I also just found that when I plug the phone into activesync, it will kickstart the home screen and it will start working again without a reset.
Any ideas? I've been using the ROM since it came out and had no issues. I've not installed any new software since then either. Just kinda odd.
Something like that happened to me yesterday.
Try deleting the HTC folder in the Application data folder on your storage card and then soft reset. The folder will reappear after the softreset but will restore to what it is supposed to be. Seems like that has been working for lots of people who have been having freezups and funky behavior.