Alright, I've been searching aimlessly around this site and other for hours now, waisting my time because I have NO clue what I'm looking for. Please bear with me and help if you wouldn't mind. I'm sure you get these questions all the time, I just don't know my terminology therefore making it hard to search and what not.
I just upgraded from a 6700 to a Mogul (6800). I guess this is also known as the Titan? My friend helped me out with my 6700 and we used a kitchen program to put a new OS on the phone. It looked something like this:
I've seen the thread with all the screen shots, and thats all fine and dandy, but I can't figure out how to even get that operating system home page on the phone!! I love the way that it has the weather and time and top 9 people set up. That would be awesome to have!
Also, I installed this "yellow cube" on my phone because it seemed like it had this operating system, but it doesn't seem to be working properly. I know I'm probably overlooking or missing one key thing here thats throwing me off...
Cliff notes: How do I get my home screen to look like that above? Maybe you have some software suggestions for me considering I have nothing on my phone yet? Also, I had this "touch" program that allowed for touch scrolling on my old phone - that was a cool feature that I'd like to have back if I could.
Thanks in advance!