Originally Posted by bteljuice
Thanks bro. How about City Id, getting "Unable to start, restart device"
Just read your other post and checked it on mine and its working for me.
Just to make sure you are talking about the city id application in the tools folder, right? I can enter a phone number into it and it tells me almost exactly where its from. For instance, I live in a town called Concord. If I put in my area code and the first three digits of my phone number, it tells me "Concord, TN".
I haven't gotten any phone calls today (LOL)
to test the caller ID.
And although I haven't made any calls today I've done a bit of surfing and texting and of course goofing around with it and battery life is INSANELY good. I charged up to 100% before I flashed around noon today and I'm at 89%. Still gonna give it some time though before I give it three thumbs up though. Things are looking good though.