Originally Posted by teradog
rebuild from scratch is the ONLY way to make sure... don't think anyone actually knows the answer, if someone claims too... then they've already hit the sauce for the day...
Having said that.... ha! (aug 8, 23128 cookie)
I just used sashimi to install all my cabs & XML files (no reg files), PIM & restored everything, then went to settings export & imported all, then used CHT, menu, import CHT settings...
am overclocking @ 729 with NO SOD's...
This is like having a new phone!
btw, if anyone is having any issues with overclocking anymore, let me know.. there's no reason everyone shouldn't be running at least 35% faster, my chip is much slower than my other TP2 & i'm @ 40%ish.. other one is closer to 50%!!!
Agreed. While it is a pain to restore everything manually, it really pays off in teh long run. I've always believed that restoring from a backup will always bring along one little setting that will mess everything else up. YMMV.
On a side note, I'm reading all the good results about overclocking so after living life on the burning edge (literally) with my PC, I may now venture out into the world of OC'ing my phone.
Gives me something more to do on my day off besides the long list of things my wife has for me to do.