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Old 08-07-2010, 02:28 AM
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Question Flashed to 2.1, 768 overclocked kernel. Slower than before?

Okay, this has me a bit stumped. Last week I flashed my phone from Gumbo 1.5 to 2.1. I also flashed an overclocked kernel, one that is 768MHz.

However, I've noticed that this phone is actually a bit slower than it was. For example, when I press the End Call button, it takes nearly a whole second for the lock screen to show up. On my stock software and on 1.5, the lock screen appeared almost instantly when I hit the End Call button. Also, it seems some tasks are slightly slower than what they were before.

Could this be a small issue with the new 2.1 software? Or, is it a side-effect with an overclocked kernel? I know these phones are slow, but why would it be slower when a newer software version is flashed?

And, if I felt the need to, is there a way I can revert the processing speed of the phone back to stock?
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