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Old 07-25-2010, 11:50 PM
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Re: EVO on verizon, no evdo, help pls

Originally Posted by ChrisH09 View Post
Do you relize that Sprint/Verizon share the same towers...they both use CDMA technology.
Yes I did realize that. I can tell you that just because one has 3g it does not mean the other does. I can also tell you that just because you can download with a Sprint phone this doesn't mean you can also download with a Verizon phone. Come to my hometown with a Verizon phone and test it out. I can download fine with the Evo, but people all the time ask me what's up with their phones, if they are on verizon, because they won't connect to internet.

Just because it is CDMA doesn't mean it is universal.
On On U of K!!!! Sammy GS4 - ATT - Clean Rom - Xposed Mod
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