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Old 07-20-2010, 06:09 PM
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Re: Success with old bing?

Originally Posted by aldamon View Post
It was doing the same thing to me until I figured out what was happening. Bing's search engine is fine. What's broken is the default search phrases. Instead of searching for "All Restaurants" change it to "Restaurants" and search again. My results went from random restaurants in a 50-mile radius to everything nearby. Perfect results.

I hated the Bing beta, but this is much better. Locate Me never worked for me in the old version so it always started up in Seattle.
Thanks for the post - I tried this, and while it now shows more restaurants, none of them are in my town. So it looks like there are at least 2 bugs here: the fact that it can't handle "All Restaurants" properly, and that the database is extremely poor, at least for some geographic locations.
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