Re: Bad Echoes when on headset
The problem happens ANY time I talk to my wife and she is on her Pre. IT has even happened a few times when I call her at work on her land Line. The other day I called Sprint and the tech heard a bad echo when I was talking to him. At first I was on my Q1, then turned it off and used my H12. Still had the problem, they have tested both phones and my headsets and can not firuge it out. One person said I have to by a special stereo bluetooth headset for my Evo to The messed up thing is all the equipment came from Sprint, the same store. My Evo, the Pre, my H12 and my Q1.
Yo its just me, from STL.
Prior Phones: Treo 700p, Treo 650, A800, Mogul, Touch, Touch Pro, Palm Pro, Touch Pro 2,.........................EVO