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Old 07-18-2010, 08:33 PM
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Re: Disable Bluetooth Disconnect Notification?

Originally Posted by crazed_z06 View Post
I used this cab.
Originally Posted by crazed_z06 View Post

It worked perfectly. I have my phone paired with the bluetooth in the car. Everytime I got in and out of the car I get the notification and it was extremely annoying. This cab got rid of it
The "Bluetooth Warning Notification" partially works in that it stops the phone from turning on and giving a vibe or sound notice. However, when you wake the phone up and unlock it you will still have a lurking "Notification" that will need to be dismissed. I am still looking for a solution to completely stop this notification from occurring with the VzW stock 6.5 ROM. This was never an issue with my WM5.x devices.

Note: I have HTC Sense turned-off in the Today settings, but I understand that there are still other pieces of HTC add-ons running, including an HTC Notification Manager of some sort, that may be to blame. If this is indeed the problem, how does one go about disabling it and just sticking with the vanilla MS Notification Manger?

I don’t know why anyone thought this BT disconnect message was desirable behavior, MS, HTC or Verizon.
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