Originally Posted by Jspecrx7
Ok so I'm ready to root my EVO, so that I can use the free tethering and to customize my Evo. So if my EVO already came pre loaded with the 1.47.651.1, I just follow the steps from post one ****ROOTING AFTER OTA 1.47.651.1 (Full Root)**** Thanks to SteelH ? Or is there an easier way? I saw the 4 step process but figured it wouldn't apply to me because I have the newest OTA. I'm a total newbe to android, I'm coming from a TP2 and there is alot of info. Thanks for the help in advance and pardon my ignorance.
Do the SimpleRoot Method. I'm not going to write a guide for it, but I am going to do a video. It's pretty self-explanatory. Download it. You'll also need the latest HTC Sync install and MS Net Framework.
Unzip the downloaded file onto you pc and run the SimpleRoot.exe file.
Then just follow the directions on the screen.
Originally Posted by danielt14
@Fast Have a question I understand the rooting cause i have messed with linux before. but right now i guess the current is Froyo 2.2 right? my friend works at a cell place he says that 2.2 will be avail to download or upgrade to automatic. and he says i should not do this cause it will interfere when they do the release to 2.2. i have seen the benchmarks for the evo running 2.2 will this be same as they release the upgrade? just wondering.
There is no official 2.2 out yet. There are ported versions available but they still have some issues. Like the camera doesn't work.
When Sprint has the official one available, it will probably be pushed as an Over-The-Air (OTA) Update.
Soon after any upgrades done by Sprint, the smart developers we have here and at XDA get crackin' and they come up w/ a version that doesn't lock your phone down. Their version will always be better. Just wait a day or two.
Originally Posted by radar369
I have those already........all with those radio and version numbers on them!
I put the phone in Bootloader>
I highlight "FASTBOOT">
plug the phone up to the computer and the "FASTBOOT" highlighted in RED should have "USB" after it>
run the RUU from the computer and it should flash!
If these are the correct instructions then it doesn't work for me!
Any other way to get back to stock?!
Some people have reported success going back to stock using the above method. When they get an error, they don't touch their phone, they just run the ruu again. After several failed attempts, it works for them.
However,that method doesn't work for me either. The only way I was able to go back to stock was to restore an old backup I have from 6/15. When I load that, then I can run the 1.32.651.1 RUU w/ no problem.
You also might try doing the original SimpleRoot method.
If you're able to apply the original SimpleRoot, then you should be able to use the RUU files to unroot the phone.