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Old 07-12-2010, 07:12 AM
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Re: Does anyone know how to get utorrent to work with the Evo

Rather than assume you're doing something nefarious, or hogging the bandwidth from everyone else (did anyone else stop to think maybe he's using 4G or doesn't have a home internet connection??) I'll attempt to answer your question...

If you downgrade back to the previous wireless tether version, does it start to work again? If not, I'd be more inclined to think that Sprint may be blocking non-common ports rather than it being an issue with the wifi tether app (i.e. allowing web, e-mail, etc but blocking the rest to prevent usage such as this to reduce load on the network). If it does, then it may be an issue with the newest version enabling Infrastructure mode - it's acting more like a true router/access point rather than using an ad-hoc connection - so it could be somehow preventing the type of connection uTorrent needs...
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