GPS and Profile Settings
Hello everyone,
I don't know if your experiencing these issues or not but i would like to get some feedback as to whether or not i am the only one with these issues.
1. GPS - i recently upgraded from DCD's 2.2.2 to 2.2.6 and now my GPS isn't working. The settings are all correct (com port 4, baud rate 4800 etc). For instance last night I knew i was going to take a 20 min drive and I wanted to see the phone track me on the map. So first i opened GoogleMaps and started it. well 15 mins into the trip it still hadn't locked in on my position. so i then tried Sprint Telenav ( i have a dealer line so it's included) and it eventually said finding gps 100% but right after it said GPS signal too weak. WTF, it used to work in the same spots. so i don't get. When I used to use blackberry's for nextel (7520, 7100i) I never had to do this "cold boot" thing. it was almost instant in finding your location.
so if you have any suggestions that would be great.
2. My profile ringer keeps on changing. I am in school so about 99% of the time i leave my phone on vibrate. well I was running the HTC Home and would lock the phone. soon after i would go to check something and notice the ringer would change from vibrate to either Loud or Silent. So i uninstalled HTC Home thinking that was the problem. it wasn't. I still have this problem. it makes it very frustrating because if i'm in class and my phone goes off then i've interupted the professor and they don't like that.
Thanks for the help