I just do it thru mortscript instead. I run this separately after the XDA_UC, but I think you can copy a mortscript into the XDA_UC folder and it will execute it... Here is an example mortscript:
Copy( "\Storage Card\Settings\ygoservice.db", "\Application Data\HTC\ygo\ygoservice.db", TRUE )
Copy( "\Storage Card\Settings\nanogroove\ng.cfg", "\Application Data\nanoGroove\ng.cfg", TRUE )
Delete("\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\iGuidance Launcher.lnk")
Hope this helps!
Originally Posted by ThrottleAbuse
I am trying to get XDA_UC to copy a couple files and I cant seem to get it to work. I cant figure out what is going wrong. The are .reg files and the first one is labeled. AutoShortCut.reg and the second FileCopy.reg Here is what I have in them. I used notepad to edit them. Is there some setting or file I am missing. I simply created the files and put them in the XDA_UC folder. Any help would be awesome. Thanks.
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
"\\Windows\\Start Menu\\Programs\\GPS\\IGo8.lnk"="\\Storage Card\\IGO8\\iGO8.exe"
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
"\\Windows\\Rings\\NICKANI.WAV"="\\Storage Card\\Ringtones\\NICKANI.WAV"
"\\Windows\\Rings\\RINGDING.MP3"="\\Storage Card\\Ringtones\\RINGDING.MP3"