Originally Posted by Musicman247
Ah. I see now. And I completely agree with your perception.
The reasons I made it come from the side instead of come down the line are:
Aesthetically: Since the QuickDial screen is much larger than the Launcher slabs it would look kind of strange sticking up above everything else coming down the line.
Practically: But mainly I decided to do it that way to save space on the device. If I were to shwo the QuickDial screen coming down the line I would need to create 120 frames of animation, and at 150k each, your device would have over 18MB of animation frames! Making most of the sliding animations generic, I was able to use only 46 frames of animation (only 2 more than the iCube has) taking up only 6.9MB.
I thank you for taking the time to share with me, and I hope that I have answered your question to your satisfaction. If not, let me know and maybe I'll make a larger version with the QuickDial coming down the line.
I had no idea how many frames of animation you included in yours, sorry, that's pretty insane. The custom cube I made had...well...a lot less. I understand, though in the future, one Without quickdial would be neat, as I'd like to just use my own brns and registry edits to make one of the standard 'windows' a quick-dial panel, to keep with the theme. That's not for everyone though, as many are afraid of the registry.
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Freezepop - Brainpower