Re: Two versions of Evos
first report here----after recieving the new 003 device yesterday after an exchange, i am happy to report that it lasted a good 9 hours with extreme heavy use, i took it off the charger at 6am and have been on twitter all day (constant connection) face book and internet with auto sync of all gmail contacts running in background, 2 thirty minute phone calls, i recorded 2 videos, played a few emulators and watched one full movie! i did this to completely drain the battery and see what kind of time frame i can work with under extreme heavy use----i would say 9 hours is pretty darn good!!
Once a Marine Always A Marine, We will crawl into the depths of hell to fight for freedom and come back up with a smile------i dont do it for the Glory, i just love kicking Butt! OOO Rah!!