Re: problems after rooting
well first off, i did everything step by step double checking it before i did it, i'm a very careful person when it comes to these things and i DO NOT skip at all. but yea i formatted cleared and reformatted the phone and tried out different roms all night, just to see if the problem was with just certain roms, it wasnt. i had the same problems with every rom that came out so far. I reset the device to factory settings probably a total of 10 times. after this i decided to un-root since it was my only option, so i unrooted and one thing was fixed which was the on-screen keyboard problem. all the keys were working fine but everything else was the same, so i went to my local sprint store and they couldn't figure out what was wrong either. they ended up giving me a new evo 4g so i happy about that..
the whole reason why i rooted in the first place was to see if tethering would be faster on wifi-tethering opposed to pdanet, i still don't know the answer to this yet and i don't know if i want to try rooting again.. scared it might happen again so yea.... does anybody know if there is any speed difference between the two apps?
oh and i wanted to say thank you to everyone that replied! you guys helped a bunch!