Saw this new thread on android forums... some guy was experiencing terrible battery life, so he returned his phone and his new one had a different looking battery (they also let him keep the old battery). Basically, the newer one doesn't have the metallic lines on the back and he swears battery is better now. Not sure if this is a battery for the second wave of phones or if launch phones had them as well, but could there be a difference in battery life with them? They're definitely wrapped differently.
Check to see which battery you have and please report if you've been experiencing good or bad life with it. This could be nothing, but i figured i'd bring it to everyone's attention just in case. If there's a better battery out there, we should be able to get it.
old battery on top, new battery on bottom - part numbers appear to be different: ends in 22m, 25m
and here's a pic of the
front of the batteries
of course he could just be having better life because the new phone might be better... but still, different looking battery than what many of us probably have...