Originally Posted by toviaheli
If I were you I would switch. The only way to get your discount is by going through a Sprint Executive and they're getting harder and harder to reach.
Thank for posting.
Oh, I got a Sprint Executive, all right.
This woman is supposed to oversee 3 call centers.
She is giving me a TON of attitude as if I am some kind of thief that's been ripping off Sprint.
*Edit: The "3 call center boss" was actually fine to deal with so far.
It was the confrontational "management team" rep that works for her that I deal with previoulsy that was giving the TON of attitude.
All I want is what's been promised to me.
Then, I wanted to trade a 2 year contract extension for a $240 credit.
I don't know what the problem is, but I would sure appreciate any advice and I can get on here.
Originally Posted by eenieMINI
Taking all you've said into consideration, why wouldn't you just go ahead and switch? What is making you want to keep Sprint rather than get the credit and the same price plan at VZW? I'm not advocating for either but trying to help you weigh your choices, there seems to be something making you want Sprint to "keep you" as a customer, is that something worth the sacrifice of your deal with VZW? If so then, take the offer, if not then make the move. .
I was with VZW for SO many years. I only switched because VZW made me migrate plans and VZW kept dragging their feet releasing phones that all the other carries had for over a year. (HTC Mogul)
With that said, I love Sprint and I'm a loyal customer.
I'm loyal to a fault. I hate "switching".