Originally Posted by Gryphyn
Yeah, I noticed that your questions had pretty much been ignored. I found that odd, usually you at least get a yea or nay. It really is difficult to find anything about it. I have noted in the notes of several rom packages that they stripped out "lockstream DRM," but I don't know if that is what the difficulty is. The Silence rom had a note that he "reverted lockstream DRM." Whether that means it supports DRM or not, I'm not sure.
For my purposes, since I'm dealing with music, I purchased a piece of software for $15 that digitally re-records music into DRM free tracks. I really don't like supporting this practice, but since I can't play music I have paid for I really don't have another choice at the moment. It should work with audiobooks too. Kindof a crappy workaround though, like I said.
I didn't reply because I did not have an answer, however, I do have a solution that I personally use. I just plain DO NOT buy DRM protected music. I refuse to support an industry that makes it difficult to use a product that I have legally purchased in a way that I should be allowed to use it. Thats like saying I can only ride my motorcycle on roads that are approved by YAMAHA.
Sorry its not the answer you were looking for and I'm not in any way intending to start a flame war or take the MR thread OT. If you have a differing opinion, please just PM me instead of filling up the thread.