Originally Posted by Eschelon
Whoa, settle down champ.
They have honored their terms (you got the first unlock for free, didn't you??). But now if you wish to unlock a separate device (doesn't matter if it's the same phone number), they clearly state that you will need to pay for this service
Is that what they said?
Why don't you actuallly go back and READ what they said !!!
When you do, please post a retraction.
I'm even going to help you by posting ONE sentence from my previous post that quotes directly from THIER license agreement
Originally Posted by tt C6
if you are a private user, you can have other uses free on request if needed, such as using it on a replacement device. .
To answer your other question:
NO, I NEVER got ONE free unlock from them.
The unlocker NEVER worked for me.
I tried it on FOUR different computers and still got the same message saying that computer was a repeat user.
Now, AFTER, I have paid, I am STILL being locked out.
They need to honor THEIR license agreement.