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Old 02-04-2008, 08:49 PM
InvincibleLiving's Avatar
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Location: Leesburg, VA
Join Date: Jun 2007
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InvincibleLiving should be added to the payroll for their contributionsInvincibleLiving should be added to the payroll for their contributionsInvincibleLiving should be added to the payroll for their contributionsInvincibleLiving should be added to the payroll for their contributionsInvincibleLiving should be added to the payroll for their contributionsInvincibleLiving should be added to the payroll for their contributionsInvincibleLiving should be added to the payroll for their contributionsInvincibleLiving should be added to the payroll for their contributionsInvincibleLiving should be added to the payroll for their contributionsInvincibleLiving should be added to the payroll for their contributionsInvincibleLiving should be added to the payroll for their contributions
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Ask and ye shall receive... take it in, lay down the law and see what happens. simply tell them that you refuse to pay a deductible for a button malfunction this early in your phones lifecycle... and if they insist, leave and come back another day or go to another sprint store in your area.... i had much the same experience when i took my 6700 in when the usb died on it... they gave me a new mogul out of it.
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