Originally Posted by FastRX8
May I ask what transpired in the last 5 days that went from the speculation "it seems" to a definitive "you most certainly can?"
I'm sure anyone can pre-order the phone. BB/RS aren't going to say no if you ask to buy a $50 gift card from them. The question is, will you be able to add that phone to an existing EPRP account if it was purchased there?
I'd love nothing more than to run over to BB right now and give them my $. I'm just concerned that I won't be able to activate my phone on the 4th. The 2 people I spoke to, both said no. That's all I can go by. I will call back and ask them what happens if I buy a phone at BB and I want to activate it. Just to see what they say. Being able to call Sprint and talk about the EVO is almost as fun as reading reviews and threads about the EVO.
My first statement was regarding
getting it at launch. My second statement referred to
actually buying it at those stores. Pay attention.