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  #268 (permalink)  
Old 05-19-2010, 10:21 PM
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Re: $10 is really bothering you? Check this out.

It used to be that being on a contract with a carrier was good enough for a discounted phone.

With the Samsung Instinc, they started forcing more expensive text/data plans(now mandatory on most phones).

Now they want to charge a lease/luxury expense on a 4G phone despite data usage barely changing and 85% of the people not having access to 4G (soon to be mandatory on most phones).

In the future the next nice phone that you want, they are going to make the $30 tethering mandatory..

Where does it stop?

I would have preferred that Sprint went ahead and raised their $69 plan to $79, rather than charge a $10/mth; $120/year "being cool tax!", or whatever they want to call the pathetic fee.

A lot of peeps will get this phone, like me, but I guarantee retentions will be swamped with calls all next month.
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