Re: HTC Sense
Obviously you are very frustrated but I can't see exactly what you are having problems with. Is it sense, or the lack of it?
I liked my TP1 a lot and really like my TP2 and don't have a whole lot of problems with it. All of my paid and free apps work well on it and I'm happy. Yes, there are momnets of lag and it does require an occasional soft reset, but that is pretty much the nature of the beast with any WM device, sense or not.
Have you considered some of the programs you are running on it as the source of your problems? Have you tried one one of the custom ROM's that several of the other posters have mentioned. I have and I feel like MIghtyROM runs quite well on my device compared to the stock ROM.
Another thing you may want to consider is your memory card. If you have a slow or defective memory card, it WILL slow your device down considerably. I know that first hand. So, try swapping out the MicroSD card for another one. If you have to buy a new one, get a Class VI which is the current "high speed". Come to think of it, if you are using the same SD card from your TP1, that may be why you have the same problems.
Just a thought.