Geek For Me is proud to release:
Fresh Toast v2.1 by toastcfh and flipz
Come and get it!
Preface: I just want to remind everyone that Fresh Rom and Fresh Toast are two separate roms.... sort of. Fresh Rom is considered totally stable (as stable as can be at least). Fresh Toast uses Fresh Rom as it's base but adds in a custom kernel by toast and all kinds of goodies. This could potentially make your phone AWESOME-O, but it's with the understanding that it is more of a development rom. However it is considered extremely stable. At this time you can flash between Fresh Rom 2.1 and Fresh Toast 2.1 without wiping. Just make sure you disable setcpu or oc widget if you go back to Fresh Rom.
A note on slowness: It is coming to our attention that there are several bugs in the latest Sprint 2.27.651.5 RUU which is presumed to be the final build. It doesn't surprise me that there are bugs considering our original 1.5 had plenty. The main one that we have come across is a service called that sucks up your processor. This causes that phone to become extremely laggy and overall run like crap. Go read my new
FAQ: Why is my Android phone running so slow? to see what you can do about it, and to report the issue. Keep in mind that this would be a Sprint bug and not Fresh Rom / Fresh Toast.
Overclock Widget vs SetCPU: Up until now toast and I have been pushing SetCPU because it allows us to create a custom file that tells it what clock speeds the rom is capable of running at which makes things nice and easy. However a couple of bugs have come up lately. First off is that it is constantly using 10-15% of the processor when it shouldn't even be doing anything. That doesn't sound like a lot but that's pretty extreme. The second issue is that it doesn't seem to be honoring the settings you pick. I could tell it that I want the minimum to be 245mhz but I would catch it at 19mhz. Or vice-versa I tell it that I want the max to be 650mhz and I catch it at 767mhz. With that said, toast took the time to program settings in to the kernel that will now allow you to pick "automatic" off of the device selection rather than custom. This may resolve the issue, so just keep an eye out for it if you use SetCPU. In OC Widget just go in to settings and click "Detect frequencies" to have it read them. If you have no preference then I'm personally saying to use Overclock Widget. It isn't quite as user friendly as SetCPU, but it gets the job done right.*Additionally*as a 3rd reminder: make sure if you are running Fresh Toast that you DO use one of these applications, and if you are running Fresh Rom that DO NOT run one of these. Doing so can cause slowdowns.

And now it's time for serious business!
Features: - Built off of Fresh Rom 2.1.1 so all features of it are in this rom (brand new 2.27.651.5 RUU base).
- Toastcfh's custom .29 kernel including:
- Brain f**k scheduler (BFS)
- Overclock scaling from 245mhz - 767mhz
- Compcache
- Ramzswap
- Ext4
- Apps2sd 2.7 beta 7 custom built for us (it won't move cache by default at my request) thanks to tkirton
- Fully working camera
- Fully working light sensor
- Fully working bottom lights
- Dancing android boot screen by wrx4memp
- Removed Launcher2 due to stability issues and replaced it with LauncherPro Beta (a vanilla launcher alternative that works perfectly so far. Please report if you have any issues).
- Updated estrongs file explorer to v1.3.12
- Updated market to v1713
- Updated facebook to v1.2
- Quickboot works... for those who use it!
A special thanks goes out to all the donators who have been testing this release and helped us find a number of bugs. And of course for helping fund the server costs and coffee addictions.
What to expect / how to flash it / READ THIS :- Download and copy the zip to the root of your sdcard
- Reboot to RA and do a data wipe / factory reset (Should not be required if currently running Fresh Rom 2.1.1 or Fresh Toast 2.1 Beta 1. However if you have any issues after flashing and you didn't wipe... then wipe!)
- You may also need to wipe sd:ext if you are having troubles booting.
- Pick flash zip from sdcard and select
- After it finishes flashing reboot. Expect the first boot up to take a bit.
- If it freezes during first boot*then wipe everything including SD:Ext Partition. This will delete all apps off your sdcard. You will want to reflash the rom if you have to do this or else you will be missing some apps from the rom. Note that if you are using ext4 then you will need to either re-partition your card or use Godspeed RA to properly wipe ext4. AmonRA will wipe it without errors but it can't actually read ext4 to wipe it.
- When the phone boots and comes to the user setup screen I would recommend syncing your google account right away. I noticed an old bug creep back in where it gets stuck during sync. This seems to be avoided by adding your google account during setup.