Originally Posted by cmilviper
Ditto this....I pre-ordered through Best Buy, but I'd sure hate to pay about $250.00 more at Best Buy, than I would at a Sprint Store w/ no contract.
i doubt best buy is gonna price match after they say 699.99, they know sprints selling it for less im sure..
should that be the case for you... you dont have to get it from them even though you pre-ordered.... use your BB gift card they gave you at the pre-order for whatever you want, doest have to be the phone and go get your phone at the 449 price from sprint or the shack(if shack is in fact 449 too)
you dont have to pick up your pre-orders.. that just means after 6/5/10 theyll sell your device and not hold one for you... thats it.. nothing to lose by walking away from paying 250 more at BB.. just have a 50 BB card now though... im sure you can find a use for that lol