Office Mobile 2010 (WATCH OUT NO CUT AND PASTE)
I was wondering if anyone else has experience with Office Mobile 2010. The official version is released an available through Marketplace. Office 2010 will be available June 15 as far as I know (retail) although corporate versions will be out earlier.
I have been running the 2010 Beta on my Windows 7 machine but have not instituted the Outlook 2010 yet. I noticed that the Mobile version did not come with Outlook in it. Has anyone experience with the Outlooks? I assume you get a mobile version with the install of the desktop version and that they synch.
Other question is I wonder if anyone has been clever enough to link live documents to the 2010 version. On you desktop you can save documents up in the cloud in 2010 and get the location of the server. You can then mount this virtual drive on your machine and get 25GB of cloud storage... rather neat. I would like to set the same thing up on my Tp2 (dream) but unlikely it can happen.
PS If you load Word 2010 Beta you can get the url for your cloud storage. I will not be fully using Word 2010 for a while since the 2007 plug-in for EndNote crashes Word 2010 and no fix is in sight from EndNote (a citation plugin).
PPS: WATCH OUT, NO CUT AND PASTE. I tried to install an old application and could not past in the registration codes... I am amazed Microsoft is so stupid as to put this out as compatible with Word 2010 and not have the ability to edit Word documents.
PPPS: I think I have to go back to the 6.5 version if I can. These TP2s may become very valuable if they can still cut and paste word documents.
Sprint: G1000, HTC-6600, 6800, TP2 now Optimus S with Stock Android 2.2.2.
Last edited by jerryyyyy; 05-16-2010 at 02:03 AM.