Originally Posted by nuprotocol
Can you break down your plan for us by each service so we can understand the math? Thanks!
Originally Posted by Chi_Town_Rydah
I just got off the phone with retention, and they set up my new 2-year contract for 49.99 with the everything plus plan. The original price was 79.99 ( the extra $10 is for the Evo 4g premium data charge), but the guy gave me a %25 discount, and $10 off for 24 months. That brought it to $49.99 including my insurance. I can't beat that deal, especially since I want the evo 4g. Also, I only have to pay $199 for the phone.
Btw, I had the $30 sero plan before.
I would also like some more info on this. Is the 49.99 before or after the $10 Evo charge. Also is the %25 discount because of your employer or did they just offer it to you/