Originally Posted by p-slim
I know, just letting it be known vzw and Google don't neccsarily have bad blood. If vodaphone owns vzw and their still going to sell the nexus on the 30th, I personally think its because they just got the incredible and vzw knows the US model for selling phones is with the carrier, mostly overseas do they like buying directly from the phone vendor. personally I like buying from the vendor because that will give me more options for phones. I'm not the person who's going to try to get sprint to give me a free tp2 or anything like that.
This is a good point. Maybe VZW wanted to carry it in their stores with subsidized contract pricing?
I know in some parts of Europe, it is illegal for a cell provider to "lock down" a phone, and every phone sold should have the ability to move to different providers with no hassle should the customer choose to.
Maybe the contract issue was the sticky point. Who knows.
Either way, if the HTC Incredible lives up to the hype and is updated the same way the Nexus One is and will continue to be, there is no real issue here.
However if HTC/Verizon stop updating the phone in efforts to have people buy new ones, this won't be good.