Originally Posted by Ga. Medic
So are you using Active Sync and Wireless sync? I gave up on using them together a long time ago because they seem to conflict each other. I don't see a reason to use both. Are you using wireless sync for email or for another reason? Depending on you email provider you should be able to set up your device to retrieve your email without wireless sync. I keep a PIM backup on my storage card in case I am away from my PC and cannot active sync after a hard reset. I don't see any good reason to use wireless sync. If there is any benfit someone let me know.
i don't actually use activesync for anything but moving files around and a program called mobiler. i use wireless sync for all my contacts and whatnot. email goes direct to phone. wireless sync comes in handy cause you can use it with get it now phones too ( i like gadgets...). i also like wireless sync becuase i can access it from the internet at work and change what i need to as far as my schedule and whatnot. if i ever manage to successfully flash a rom under linux i'll be completely windows free (except for my phone........ for now....... heh.....)