Originally Posted by mstevens
This is not correct. Weather has always previously updated over my Airave, and it is now once again doing so.
Of course, geolocation places me in New Jersey although I live several states and hundreds of miles away in New Hampshire, and when I'm in range of the Airave it shows My Location weather for New York (city).
Thus, weather normally updates over an Airave. It just updates for the wrong location.
Why would weather for a manually-selected city not be as accurate? It has always looked identical as far as I can tell.
As you might imagine, I have them on the list because I like to check them.
If I have any cellular signal at my house, the Airave is working.
You can't imagine how far out in the boonies I live. If a neighbor has an Airave within range, they've illegally built a house on my property.
As it happens, we drove over 200 miles yesterday. Weather did not update on either of our phones for that entire time.
For anyone reading this thread in the future, note this is most definitely NOT an Airave problem, as this happened when connected by WiFi or Activesync as well as while traveling through a large geographical range and connecting to what must have been dozens of different towers.
I've discussed the airave before regarding the weather issue and most agree that the phone gets the location info ftom the tower it is connected to and then coordinates it with that info to download the weather for that location.
If I choose Knoxville, TN manually, and compare the results to the weather from "my location" - also Knoxville, TN - there are sometimes some differences. For instance; today it showed rain in one of my knoxvilles and thunder storms in the other.
Maybe my airave is messed up but if I unplug the power and get to where I can pick up a signal in my house, my phone will pull the weather info from the tower. If I turn the airave back on, I can not get the weather to update.
the *99 is only for checking to see if you are connected to the airave. it just gives you a message that you are connected. Its not to connect or disconnect.
Sometimes, the weather services get wonky and just plain won't update.
Sorry if I offended you. From your response, you seemed to be somewhat aggravated. My answers were intended to be helpful and are based on my experiences with the same problem.
And yes, I hope someone didn't build an illegal house on your property.