Wirelessly posted (Opera/9.7 (WindowsMobile; PPC; Opera Mobi/35267; U; en; Presto/2.1.1))
Originally Posted by JokeZony0u
Originally Posted by slvrdrgn123
Try going into settings and make sure Sense is checked. Put it to Titanium and then back to Sense.
Yea I've done it several times, it would actually just freeze. Funny thing is, it just happened out of nowhere- nothing new installed within the past 2 weeks, been running the ROM since it was released w/o problems till now...which is why I found it so weird
my phone does that from time to time too but ive found if its taking a long time or too long for me just press the start physical button at the bottom of the phone or start on the touch screen and when the menu comes up touch Home and there u have it ur sense should already be loaded. mines just kinda freezes loading sense sometimes but already has it loaded most of the time that method works.
and palringo is the best messenger to me it keeps me connected all day long and night its worth the battery drain imo and i havent noticed too much excessive battery drain from using it. hope to see palringo on windows 7 phones and that it keeps me logged in all day