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Old 04-17-2010, 10:15 AM
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Question HD2 Email, Text Entry, & FM Radio Questions...

I've done Windows handheld devices for several years and was very happy when I got my first WinMo phone and could combine two devices into one.

I've currently got a TP2, but looking ahead, I don't think I'm going to like WinMo7. So I'm deciding on what WinMo phone will carry me for a few years and that is boiling down to whether to stick with the TP2 or upgrade to an HD2.

I've played with an HD2 in a T-Mobile store and it seemed pretty nice, but I have several questions....

1. Can the WinMo email client be enabled instead of the HTC version? I was not impressed with it.... Really, I'm not too impressed with the HTC Sense interface. While it looks slick, it is not as integrated and thought-out as the stock WinMo interface... which itself loses to something like the Blackberry interface in integration.

2. Text entry options seemed limited. I think I'll like Swype in the long-run, but mostly use the WinMo Letter Recognizer with my TP2. I didn't see that as a selectable option... can it be enabled?

3. I didn't see (but didn't look too hard) an FM Radio option. Don't laugh, but I use this a LOT in my TP2. Does the HD2 have that?


Greg in Mississippi
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