ok. first of all, this is the first time that I have tried GTX theme and I have mixed feeling about it but it is not your ROM
this is what I found about TruXt v7.
First I flashed back to shipped rom but during flashing TruXt v7, it did that 'hanging up' on the initial set up screen with moving bar at the bottom, so I had to press the reset button. not a big issue here.
after that I set up my outlook which syncs with gmail and w-live.
whenever i tried to see the whole calendar the sense is reinitializing. after the re-flash, it still doing the same thing. but who knows, it could be just me.
for those who want to try.
after the flash, it gives about 47mb space so not so bad. again it could be just me again but because GTX use white background, i think it drains battery little more than the ones with Black back ground.
it is another great rom. keep up the good work!!