Originally Posted by JQuill
Your point is well taken, however you fail to look at Googles broader ambitions as a company, coupled with how they behave when it comes to market research. You may think you are making your own decisions, until you realize that Google figured out x amount of people travel along such and such a route every day, then they sell that data to a company like clear channel, and clear channel puts up a billboard for lil wayn'es new album based on geographic data that it bought from Google. Then they sell that data to McDonalds and McDonalds puts a restaurant in your area. Before you know it you're a fat f*ck listening to sh*tty music...aka most of america.
If you are overweight, or listen to Lil' Wayne..you are banned from this thread.
Well, thats assuming I have no freewill and do whatever Google tells me to do. I have the willpower to stay away from Mcdonalds, and the taste to not listen to Lil Wayne. I don't change, and Google makes a few bucks. But I think it is important to point out that Google didn't make you eat at Mcdonalds, or listen to Lil Wayne, they simply made you aware that Mcdonalds is there and Lil Wayne has an album coming out. If you fall into that demographic, then great you know when his album is coming out, and/or you know where to get a bite to eat. You don't have to do anything you don't want to do, so if you feel like staying away from Google, then go ahead. Most other companies will do the same thing.. for instance as soon as my friend said she was engaged on Facebook, she saw a lot of ads on the side for wedding dresses.
Also I have to do this before someone else does: In 2012 Google became self aware...