Geek For Me is proud to release:
Fresh Kitchen 1.0.5 by flipz
After months of working on the kitchen I am finally ready to release it to the public!
- Started as a batch file that only uninstalled applications way back in November
- Quickly grew to 550 lines of code and was made in to a GUI which was released in November
- Since then I have been making it bigger and badder. It is now nearly 5000 lines of code!
- Cook your own custom rom based on Fresh Rom's Android 1.5 base
- WILL NOT officially support Android 2.1 until we get our final release from Sprint
- Auto-root your Sprint HTC Hero
- Update RA
- Modify Fresh Rom 1.x to suit your needs
- Backup and restore texts, custom dictionary, or scenes
- Install a lock screen, boot screen, or any other theme
- Push or pull any file to or from your phone
- Add or remove any applications
Visit the download site to view a how to video on using the kitchen and for any reported bugs.
Almost everything is answered there!!!
If you are going to report an issue or a bug then you must give me a pastebin of the debug output (the video shows you how!) and a screen shot if it's relevant. If you post saying something isn't working and you don't provide me with those things then I can't help.