Originally Posted by asunners
I've got the same problem. Keypad and End Call works if you can figure out where to hit it, but mute, speaker etc don't work and are all on top of one another. It seems like the addition of the contact buttons at bottom of the screen messed up the alignment.
I had to hard reset a couple of times, but ended up re-flashing last night - no luck. I'm going to try the full flash dance tonight and then load cabs/reg/xml one at a time rather than use XDA-UC.
I have had the same problem several times. I think I have flashed 2 times since last night. My screen freezes and is non responsive, I reset it and it would hang up on the mightyRom screen with the Red text on the bottom. I put it on charge last night and all was good, then this morning it was locked up again, and after messing with it for a while I ended up reburning again. By that I mean Load Stock Rom, Clear Ram, Activate Phone, Load MightyRom, Clear Ram, Set up for Verizon.... Any Help would be appreciated.