Re: Android/Linux for CDMA Touch Pro 2 Rhodium Updated 3-23-2010
I do not want to break up the overclocking party guys but I need some guidance as to why mine keeps hanging on the load when the text is loading. It always stops saying:
26.443542] note: mmcqd[40] exited with preempt_count 1
I have put all the files on my sd card into "win mobile" folder and put the files extracted from the single compilation into the root of the sd card and that didn't work. I have also put all the files into "andboot" folder while keeping the rootfs file on the root of the sd card and same results.
By the way I am running an energy rom at the moment. However, the Droid 3.10.10 Flyers All packaged compilation did work with this same energy rom.
Any help will be appreciated it.
Last edited by rfvreynoso; 03-24-2010 at 02:59 AM.
Reason: more information