700wx Bluetooth Modem Macbook (HELP!!)
Newbie . . . but trying to quietly lurk and keep up without making too many waves. I've searched high and low but cannot find a sticky or tutorial (SprintUsers, etc.,) on how to make the Bluetooth modem feature work on a MacBook. I've tried using Mac methods from other phones but can't seem to find that magic formula. I bet it's out there somewhere. BTW, I've had the phone for almost two weeks and this site has helped so much. About the whole modem thing, not trying to abuse the whole PowerVision and I don't have a PAM plan ... just want to test the waters in case there is an emergency and I need the internet from the MacBook instead of the phone. Sometimes it's just cool to see it work and then the novelty of it wears off and you're back to your internet connection @ work/home/phone. Thanks for your help.
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