Well, I followed the instructions give at
http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showpost.p...4&postcount=36, and it works. Sorta.
It only saves the last I work on. For example. If I do the Landscape first and portrait last, the portrait works. And vice versa (port first land last - landscape works). The wierd thing is, after I do the first one (port), the second one (land) does not ask for output directory after pressing 'apply' and then 'close'. It just shows the view.
so, after clicking 'Apply' and then 'close', it asks for output directory. Now, should I instead press 'save' and save each one individually?
would there be a step that I might be missing in the instructions?
This process below was done with portrait first, then landscape, and then portrait again (re-did)
Manila files listed to convert are:
When Converting - it does goes this route:
bg_sense - Converting PNG -> QTC
bglevel0_landscape_left - Converting PNG -> QTC
bglevel0_landscape_right - Converting PNG -> QTC
All done.
Cab size is 1078 kb.
I am running the stock Verizon ROM with WM6.5, TF3D 2.0