Originally Posted by ycats
Since I've had my Touch, if the EV icon was displaying on top of the screen, I couldn't connect to the internet.....was having to wait until it switched to 1X...
Mine worked fine throughout November while I had the $25/mo Premium Power Vision Pack. In December a couple things changed, I switched to $15/mo Basic Access Vision Pack and traveled for the holidays to Houston, where and when this exact same Ev-1X trouble began and hasn't quit since. Though Houston doesn't yet have Rev.A, the Ev would show but not work. Back home now in South Florida, where Ev worked fine before, I'm only able to connect via 1X, and must end Internet connectivity when Ev shows (to speed up the wait for 1X to kick in).
One of the things I stumbled upon while trying to figure out a fix is...
Initiate custom NAI entry to device (Client-Initiated IOTA)
This is followed by a "Start" button, which I'm too chicken to tap. One way to get there is:
Start > Settings > Personal (default tab) > Phone > Services (tab) > Internet > Get Settings
Anybody tried this, or know what it's all about? More importantly, any fix info for Ev-1X problem is muchly appreciated.